The Future of iMIS

This year’s Innovations Conference featured some cool new apps for iMIS users, like texting to member constituents, asking Alexa to perform some iMIS tasks, and capturing the search terms members use on your website. Innovations is the most important iMIS event of the year for iMIS consultants because the venue is where we learn about the future direction of iMIS, see impressive third-party extensions for iMIS, discover handy new tips for solving problems, and find solutions to some of our greatest challenges. This year’s event delivered the results we expected. I’d like to share with you the highlights so that you too can benefit from it, even without having attended.

And the AiC of Year Award goes to….

We are proud to announce that 501CiO Consulting was named the U.S. Authorized iMIS Consultant for 2017.  This year marks the third time we won the coveted award, and the fourth time we made the Chairman’s Circle.  Because customer satisfaction is one of the criteria used to identify the winners, we could not have done it without you, our valued clients.

User Credentials on the Customer Profile

Within the iMIS staff website, clients have lamented the loss of being able to reset a member’s password directly from his/her profile record, like iMIS desktop allows you to do.  Now you can, by using a very simple technique we learned at Innovations for adding the User Credentials button to a member profile.  Check out the image below to see it, but you may need to click on the image before Outlook, or whatever mail app you are using, will reveal it.

Text your communications to members

Did you know that text messages have a 99% open rate and that 95% of texts are read within 3 minutes of being sent.  Now you can send texts from iMIS, using a nifty third-party app we saw at the App Challenge session.

Track the exact search terms members use on your site

iMIS offers the ability to flag your website documents with key words and tag words. If you take advantage of this feature, how do you know whether members are searching on these specific words? If you knew their exact search terms, you could add them as keywords to make searching more relevant.  Another App Challenge winner captures the search terms entered by website visitors, enabling you to analyze these terms to ensure your content is flagged with the best key words.

“Alexa, bring up the customer record for Sam Jones”

How would you like to hook up iMIS with Alexa, so that she can help you via voice commands.  Another App Challenge winner will do just that.

If you are interested in any of these new features, let us know.  We will gladly help you implement them.

David Cook
President, 501CiO Consulting, LLC

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