How much do you spend on transaction fees for online payments your customers make by credit card?

How much time do you spend
processing credit card refunds?

Consider using CardConnect instead of PayPal for your iMIS credit card gateway and payment processor to save both money and time.

Why CardConnect?

With our CardConnect Partnership arrangement, you get:
  • Lower rates on credit card transaction fees
  • Ability to make refunds straight from iMIS, unlike PayPal which requires you to use a web portal
  • Superior reporting tools
  • Consolidated payment methods under one umbrella with CardConnect shopping cart, virtual terminal, and mobile swiping
  • Easy-to-reach support services when you need them
Download Flier

The cost for the iMIS bridge is free
and the installation of the bridge is free.

In addition, the annual license to
use the bridge is also free.

To get started, give us a call at 770.595.0452 or contact us by email (